toughened glass which good
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郴州Hollow glass

郴州Hollow glass

  • category:郴州Hollow glass
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-04-24
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Hollow glass

Hollow glass is mainly used in buildings that need heating, air conditioning, noise  condensation prevention,  need no direct sunlight  special light. It is widely used in residential, hotel, office building, school, hospital, store  other occasions requiring indoor air conditioning. It can also be used for doors  windows of trains, automobiles, ships  freezers.

Hollow glass is mainly used for outer glass decoration. Its optical performance, thermal conductivity  sound insulation coefficient shall meet the national standards. Only when the structure is reasonable  the design conforms to the standard, can the heat insulation, sound insulation, anti-theft  fire protection functions be exerted. Vacuum double toughened glass can reach the laboratory standard even more! There are also hollow glass with inert gas  color pigment gas added to the market, as well as beautiful sceneries added to reinforce  decorate.

Function of insulating glass aluminum strip: aluminum is called active metal element, but it will form a compact oxide film on its surface in the air, so that it can  continue to function with oxygen  water. In high temperature, it can react with oxygen  release a lot of heat. With this high reaction heat, aluminum can replace metal  other oxides (aluminothermic method).


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